Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Deep Thoughts

How much do we think of facial hair? Except for plucking a few wild hairs of our eye brows or maybe we have one too many hairs on our upper lip?? I have come to realize what a blessing they are. Those hairy little eye brows help define our faces. And more important they help keep the shampoo out of our eyes. They really do help detour that stream of water. Try as you might, squeeze as hard as you can, and still without those cute little eyelashes, it's an open door. Burning shampoo, dust, or pollen is "comin on in". I know...we could save money on expensive mascara and eye liner. Heavens knows the money I have saved on individual eyelashes and glue. AND did you all know that there is an eyelash fairy?? I will swear to that on a stack of BK of Mormons!! I know this because I check a half of dozen times a day to see if I have one more eyelash. They DO NOT grow in slowly, they appear the next day full grown. I'm thinking I need to be leaving money under my pillow every night. So lets hear it for the hair on our faces, in the vicinity of our eyes!! OK, maybe not so much for the ones that creep on our chins.

I am feeling much better these days, trying to exercise a little bit more every day. I think Fallon is way stronger than me. (she is five months old) One day at a time. I still have no schedule as far a my radiation, I know that I need 33 of them. I'd like to get going so I can be done with this all. Everyone keep up the fun blogs, I love reading them all.


Megan said...

I think about facial hair all the time - thanks to my man inspired mustache and goatee! (Thanks Dad - or do the thanks go to you?!) But not until you mentioned it did I full appreciate my eyelashes and eyebrows. Good to know they serve a purpose, even though my eyebrows need weed-whacked once a month. Glad to have you blogging again. Love you.

Beth said...

So glad to see you back in the blog world! Your hairs will come back, I know it. And it will be great. Did you get my message that I'm coming to see you?

Erin said...

Honey, I truly wish I could lob off half of my eyebrows and give 'em to you. I've got totally thick eyebrows that I hate! However, I think I hate getting water & shampoo in my eyes even more. So thanks for helping me count my blessings! And congrats on your tiny new little eyelashes!!! I'm so happy for you that you're moving on, and excited for you to get these next treatments done! I think you should have a countdown ticker on your blog since we're all cheering you on!!! We love you!

Jerolyn said...

I will never curse my unibrow again...that's for putting that into perspective for me!

p.s.sending along hugs!

Korbi said...

if my mustache ver grows back, I will think of you! just kidding! ;)

The Nelson's said...

ya so i think Fallon is stronger than me sometimes. I know she can do way more sit-ups than i can...she wears me out watching her.. but i am so glad you are feeling better, we cant wait till you can come up and stay with us again!!