Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sleepover at G&G Nelsons

I got a phone call from Kuna last week, seems a couple wanted to celebrate their anniversary by themselves.

So last Friday after treatment, Mike and I met Jocelyn in Twin Falls. We first ate a yummy lunch at Johny Carino's. Then we unpacked all of Fallon's "stuff" from their car to ours. What do people with little cars do? I know thats a long way to drive for a babysitter, but not when it's Papa and Grandma! Of coarse Papa drove, and us girls sat in the back. Forty five minutes gave me plenty of time to think about if I was really up to this! I guess time would tell. Right off the bat she falls a sleep, oh what an angel. This was going to be easier than I thought, right??

It didn't take long at all, and she got used to looking at our old and ugly faces. I needed to get rid of that "hot" wig! Hmm... she didn't seem scared at all of my bald head (unlike the other kids)! Dusty told me he just weighed Fallon, and thought she was about eighteen pounds. Oh my gosh - she is strong!!! Beings that I'm a major weakling now and I had to hang on tight. When my kids were little I could hold them and multi-task. The next two days were going to be all about holding little Fallon.

Heres a picture of us outside in the front yard. She loves being outside listening to all the birds, cows, bees, four wheelers, traffic, and etc. It was so funny watching her trying to keep up with a bee.

Of coarse she loved Roxy as you can see. She wanted her tongue and her fur. She would stick her whole hand inside her mouth and giggle and laugh out loud.

Mike likes his new father's day present (the lounge chair). It's his new favorite spot to get horizontal in!

Bath at 8:30, cereal at 9:00, bottle at 10:00, ahhhh...time for bed. Grandma is pooped too! She sleeps really good. I used muscles I haven't used for five month and I had to be careful lifting but overall we all had a great weekend.

Thanks Fallon for the fun weekend, you are an angel


Jerolyn said...

I can't stop looking at that last photo..it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! LOVE it!

Beth said...

You are amazing and your family is SO lucky to have you. That last picture IS beautiful. I'm glad you are feeling up to a little real life. So, so glad. I tried to call you today, but got no answer. Good to see you've posted again. I thought you had forgotten how :). I love you!

Megan said...

Fallon IS an angel. It makes me so happy to see you have the health and strength be the great Grandma that you are. You did awesome.

melanie said...

You're an amazing Grandma!!! Fallon looks so precious. (yes I'm coming out of lurkdom, ha!)

The Nelson's said...

Fallon is so lucky to have such great grandparents like you guys!! I love all the pics. i am going to have to get them from you.. thanks again for watchin her.. i am sure she had a blast!!

Marsha said...

Hi Melanie, I'm a stalker too. It seems like forever since I was in Moses Lake.

jeff and char said...

those pictures are darling, you have a darling granddaughter, and i have a darling niece, ha ha, shes such a good little baby isn't she? i am glad you are doing well, love char