Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Who doesn't love roses?

Last Friday was a beautiful sunny day. The sky was deep blue, there were some scattered clouds. The trees are full and the leaves are still very green, fall is in the air. The days are still quite warm but evenings are crisp. I was outside walking around the flower beds thinking how I was going to miss having fresh roses with winter around the corner. I saw this beautiful rose and knew immediately it was going inside with me. I snipped it off, put it in a bud vase, set in on the piano in the front room. Little did anyone know what was lurking in the next 24 hours of weather madness!! (in all fairness the weatherman did mention a possibility of snow....BUT they're always wrong) The next morning around 6:00 am it started snowing and snowing and snowing, it snowed all day! It never let up ALL day long!

And this is what we got a monster snow day. This picture doesn't begin to show how deep and wet it was. It was like two weeks before Christmas rather than a couple weeks before Halloween. It was a good day to stay in, drink hot chocolate, and watch football, I mean movies! The snow flakes were huge and fluffy, we really needed the moisture. Church was canceled...WOW! like that almost never happens. We ended up getting about 71/2'' but others got up to 22". We had drifts 25" on the back patio.

Four days later we still have snow, none of the patio has thawed. I'm feeling for the farmers, they had hay down and plenty of potatoes to dig. It's needs to warm up before anyone gets in those muddy field any time soon. I'm just thinking be thankful for the much needed moisture. We still have some warm weather coming!! Right?


Beth said...

Dang, that's just crazy! I bet it was beautiful. And, bonus! Church got cancelled? Sorry. That wasn't right. You know I really do like church. But, not so much if you have to wade through 2 feet of snow to get there!

Erin said...

Oh my goodness, that's just not fair! Talk about getting jipped out of Fall! I do remember trick or treating around our neighborhood in Burley, FREEZING our batooties off. That makes me so much more thankful for the MILD beautiful weather we've got here right now. I can't believe how much snow you got! Crazy.