Sunday, March 15, 2009

My Newest Owie

No means "Don't cut here!" 

Underneath the bandage says, "Yes!"

I didn't want them cutting on the wrong hand!

I had surgery last Wednesday, March 11 to replace a joint in my thumb. I thought it was going to be a cinch. It turned into a big OWIE!

By the way - I'm not typing! My lovely and wonderful daughter is transcribing for me!) I can barely move the mouse on my new computer, which I love. I will blog about that later.

I have lots to catch up on. When my hand stops throbbing, I will get to that.

Alizah, you ARE brave! Grandma didn't know how brave you were, until I had to have a cast on my hand. How did you learn how to zip up your pants?!

I get a hard cast on this Thursday. What color should I get? I want camouflage in fluorescent colors - but I don't think they make it.

No more surgery for me this year!


Korbi said...

I know that they make pink camo because I have seen it! :)

Brandon Nelson said...

Oh no they took off your thumb!!!!!!

Beth said...

When you are healed, you'll be able to shoot marbles! I hope you mend quickly. This pain stuff is for the birds. Really. I'm so sorry you have been hurting. Thank goodness for the meds!