Saturday, October 11, 2008

Tag! I'm It!

*Link to the person who tagged you
*Post the rules on your blog
*Write six random things about yourself
*Tag six-ish people at the end of your post
*Let each person know he/she has been tagged
*Let the tagger know when your entry is up

Six Random Things About Myself

#1 I love to read. But towards the end of the book, I start reading slower and slower. Finding excuses not to read when I get to the last five chapters. I don't want the book to end. Dumb I know!!

#2 I used to make out at Beaver Dick Park 36 years ago! (Or watch the submarine races.) And YES it is a real park, it's outside of Rexburg.

#3 I love scary movies. But if I watch one down stairs, I know I run a little faster up the stairs right afterwards.

#4 Before I leave town I always make sure my house is really clean. Just in case.

#5 I have never been able to water ski more than a yard. I tried as far back as high school..dang just can't do it!

#6 I always dreamed of being a stewardess. I'm thinking..I could have never cleaned up someone else puke. Like I'm gagging just thinking about it!

I tag Kelli Whittle, Jocelyn, Kortni, Korbi, and Camie Larsen


Beth said...

I was wondering if you were going to do this or not. Thanks!!! OK, #1---I kind of relate. I HATE for a good book to end. And, I hate it even more when I don't like the ending!
#2---I know, I've heard.
#3---I totally relate.
#4---In case what? You die and the Relief Society sisters have to come in???
#5---What can I say? I would think those long legs of yours would help you in that department.
#6---Yeah, I used to dream of that, too. Now, I just think, "Nah, I'm over it".

Michael, Xela, and Arian said...

Happy (late) Birthday Mike! Looks like it was a fun one!
I can't waterski either--I think it must be a sport for coordinated people! :)

Megan said...

Hahahahaha!!!! A stewardess? I can see you on a flight now - "Get your own damn nuts!" Could you come clean my house before I leave too? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

HAHA!!! Beaver Dick Park!!! I can totally say I know where that is too!!! We hung out a lot there too!!!! Not making out though... HEHE